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Yes. If you haven't done so already you have to report it to your probation officer because if they don't find out you can get in any more trouble. The rules state that you have one business day to report it to your PO. Usually if you are found innocent they will drop the PV charge but if they are real jerks they could violate you for having the incident. Hope this helps.

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Q: Is Writing bad checks while on probation violation of probation?
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A Probation Violation Warrant will be issued. Your probation could get revoked and you could be sentenced to a term of incareration in jail or prison.

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once your licence has expired you will no longer come under probation. if you broke your licence while on licence you may be issued with a new licence after you have been sentenced .

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Unclear what is being asked. What is an "intense" violation? As far as your probation is concerned, if you are already in violation of your probation the judge might just decide to remand you to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars. ESPECIALLY if you've gone and re-offended while you were already on probation. Probation is not a "get out of jail free" card! How many bites at the apple do you think you're going to get?

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Moving out of Connecticut while on probation for a Class A misdemeanor would typically require obtaining permission from the probation officer and the court. It is crucial to inform your probation officer and request a transfer of probation to the new jurisdiction before considering a move. Failing to do so could result in a violation of probation.

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Your felony probation will be immediately revoked and you will be remanded back to prison. In the meantime you will be tried for the felony you committed while on probation and then face sentencing and prison time for that offense also.

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This depends on what you mean by go away. If you were arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia while on probation this will always be on your arrest record. If you are referring to being on probation for drug paraphernalia and a probation violation warrant is active then no it will not go away. It is possible to get a lawyer to enter on the case and maybe get Court date without having to be arrested.

Can you get a hunting license while on Probation in Pennsylvania?

Yes. But depending on the reason your on probation, it might be in violation to your probation. So if you get a license and go hunting then the PO officer finds out... Could be bad news. Just call and ask your PO in advance.

Can probation violate us if you get married on federal supervised release?

Whether probation can violate someone for getting married while on federal supervised release depends on the specific conditions and restrictions set by the probation officer. Typically, getting married would not be a violation, but it is essential to consult with the probation officer to ensure compliance with all conditions and requirements.

What would the punishment be for a 5th DUI while in violation of probation?

Termination of probation - permanent loss of driving license (if it hasn't happened already) - time added to sentence upon conviction of the new DUI.