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Q: Is a URL suffix called a domain name?
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What is the web address of a domain name?

The domain name is the part of the URL of a site that includes the site's name (example: answers) and the suffix indicating what kind of organization it is (.com for commercial). Another example is: name (wikipedia) and suffix (.org for nonprofit organization.)

What is the unique name that identifies an internet sites?

This is called a domain name or a URL.

How are the url and domain name the same?

The URL or uniform resources language is a link, or web address that describes a specific location on the web. It normally starts with http:// or https://A domain name is part of the url, it is the name of the domain where the URL hosted. I.e. which server or domain hosts the web address.For example. The URL to this question is:How_are_the_url_and_domain_name_the_sameThe domain name

What is the .com part called in a url?

It is called a suffix

How can I have an URL?

Register a domain name.

What is the initial part of a URL called?

The domain

What are the initial part of the URL is called?

The domain

What final segment of a domain name is called?

If you are referring to the ".com" or ".net" portion of the domain name, it is called the "top level domain name." Anything in between "www" and the top level domain name is called a secondary domain name.

What is the url of the website?

"URL" stands for "uniform resource locator." The URL for Google is In that example, "" is the domain name. The URL is the entire web address that must be typed into the browser to locate a specific webpage. This often includes additional text after the domain name, separated from the domain name with a slash "/".

What is the domain of a website mean?

A website domain is traditionally known as the name or URL of a website

Can you have a URL address with your name?

You can, if the domain name is not already used. But you have to rent it.

What exactly is a domain registration?

Domain names are what the numeric urls are called. The name for facebook instead of using the http://156-etc would be considered a domain name. Registering a domain is essentially paying to have that specific numeric URL as your own. This includes creating a domain name such as facebook would be.