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Both actually. It just depends on the electro-negativity of the atoms bonded together. If both have the same electro-negativity, it is a nonpolar covalent bond. Otherwise, you have a polar covalent bond.

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Q: Is a covalent bond considered polar or nonpolar?
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no. A polar bond is a covalent bond in which electrons are shared unequally. A nonpolar bond is a covalent bond in which electrons are shared equally.

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It can be either a polar covalent bond or a nonpolar covalent bond. C-Cl is an example of a polar covalent bond, while C-C is a good example of a nonpolar covalent bond.

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A covalent bond is considered if the two atoms share the electron equally?

no. A polar bond is a covalent bond in which electrons are shared unequally. A nonpolar bond is a covalent bond in which electrons are shared equally.

If two covalently bonded atoms are identical the bond is identified as?

it is non polar covalent

Is Carbon-Chlorine a nonpolar covalent bond?

No. A carbon-chlorine bond is a polar covalent bond.

We further separate covalent bonds into polar covalent and nonpolar covalent what would have to be the case for a bond to be a nonpolar covalent?

In a nonpolar covalent bond the difference between the electronegativities of the two atoms are not significant.

What are the two subtypes of covalent bond?

nonpolar bond and polar bond are the two subtypes of a covalent bond