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Q: Is a fish's mouth on the lower part or front part of the body?
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Is a fishes mouth on the lower or front part of the body?


Is the mouth on a fish on the lower part of the body?


Where is a bony fish's mouth?

a bony fish's mouth is at the front of the body.

What parts of the body used to get or eat food?

It's mouth and front paws.

How does a microorganisms get in to your body?

mouth,ears,bottom end,front end,nose,eyes

What part of the polar bear's body helps it to get food?

It's front paws and mouth.

Why does hard candy melt in your mouth?

It's melting point is lower than your body temperature.

What body part of cockroaches used in getting food?

Cockroaches use their front claws to gather food. The front claws are located near the cockroach mouth. The prey is fed directly from the claw to their mouth.

What goes over a tuna fishs body?

you can put many different things on tuna fish like garlic or rosemary

How does a eel eat its food?

A moray eel eats it food with it's mouth that is in the front of the body where its mouth is. If that doesn't wander my question too bad

If a person is standing on her head her nose is what to her mouth?

The nose can be said to be "inferior" (lower than) the mouth when the body is inverted, as opposed to "superior" when one is upright. The nostrils would be below the mouth and open, as opposed to above the mouth and covered.

Is body temp 1 degree lower or higher then taken orally?

Oral temp is usually lower especially if the pt. is a "mouth breather" or has drank something cold.