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Both. The ladybird (ladybug) is an insect. All insects are invertebrates.

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Q: Is a ladybird an invertebrate or an insect?
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Are ladybird invertebrates or vertebrates?

a ladybird is a invertebrate as it has no backbone.

Is the transverse ladybird a solitary insect?

the transverse ladybird is a solitary insect except when it mates

What kind of insect ladybird?


Is a ladybird an insect or not?

yes a ladybird is a bug

Is a ladybird vertebrate or invertebrate?

Yes, a ladybug is an invertebrate. Ladybugs do not have spines but have an exoskeleton (which means it wears it's protective 'bones' on the outside of it's body). All insects are arthropods, thus all insects are also invertebrates.

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Is dragonfly vertebrate or invertebrate?

A dragonfly is an invertebrate because it has an exoskeleton on the outside of its body instead of an internal skeleton with a backbone.

What is a black insect with four red spots?

It could be either a pine ladybird or a harlequin ladybird.

is a insect a vertebrate or a invertebrate?

An insect is not a vertebrate, as it does not have a backbone.

Is a giraffe weevil a vertebrate or invertebrate?

The giraffe weevil is an invertebrate - an insect.

Is a wasps a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Since a wasp is an insect, it's a invertebrate.

What is the ladybird?

The ladybird (or well known as the ladybug) can be a female or a male. The women who discovered it wanted a insect to finally have a girly name!