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Captain (The Navy has a rank of Captain that is equivalent of an Army Colonel, or such.)

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No, the officer ranking system is lieutenant, 2nd lieutenant, then captain.

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Q: What is higher captain or lieutentant?
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Is captain higher than lieutenant?

yes Captain is higher than lieutenant

Who is the lieutentant?

The author -- Franklin Cox

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Which is a higher rank captain or leuitennant?


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The rank of Admiral is higher than the rank of Captain.

George Armstrong Custer died with how many relatives?

george's brother, tom, captain of c company , little brother, Boston, nephew harry reed and broth-in-law, James calhoun. Boston Custer was a civilin guide and calhoun was a lieutentant comanding L company. all were killed with lieutentant george Armstrong Custer on June 25, 1876. p.s. brother Boston was alomg as an observer.

Is captain higher than a lieutenant in the American Civil War?

Yes. A Captain is a higher rank, universally.

Which is higher rank in US ARMYColonel vs major rank?

It depends which country and branch of service one is speaking of. The American military does not have the rank of Major-Colonel, the ranks of Major, Lt. Colonel and Colonel all out rank a Captain, unless the Captain is Navy or Coast Guard, then he would be equal in rank to the Colonel. In US Military, in all but the Navy, the order of these three ranks from lowest to highest is: * Captain * Major * Lieutentant Colonel * Colonel A Captiain in the Navy is the equivalent in rank of a Colonel in the Army, USAF or USMC

Is a lieutenant or a captain higher ranking in UK military?


What is the Name for naval officers?

Here they are from top to bottom: Admiral Vice Admiral Rear Admiral (upper half) Rear Admiral (lower half) Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Lieutentant (junior grade) Ensign