

Is lizard a carnivores

Updated: 11/12/2022
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9y ago

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It depends on the species. Some are carnivores,some are omnivores, and some are herbivores.

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9y ago

Some species of Lizard are carnivores, some are omnivores, and some are herbivores.

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Is an lizard a herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

Lizards are carnivores. it depends on what typeo for lizard it is

Is a monitor lizard herbivore?

It depends on what kind of lizard it is. They can be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. It all depends on the type of lizard.

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Is a desert lizard a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

This question is inanwerable because it varies between lizards. Some lizards, like iguanas, are herbivores. Others are carnivores or omnivores.

Is lizard a herbivore?

It depends which type of lizard. A lizard is any animal of the reptile class with overlapping scales. the green iguana for example is an herbivore, but chameleons and geckos are carnivorous.

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I don't think their carnivores if they are a lizards probably two big to digest.

Is a lizzard a carnivore?

It all depends on what lizard you are studying to know what they eat. But no, lizards are not carnivores; Carnivores mean 'meat eaters' such as lions. Lizards are omnivores, this means they can eat meat and vegetation. Depending on what lizard depends on the type of food, most eat insects such as crickets and locust, but also eat vegetation such as leaves.

Is a savanna monitor lizard a herbivores or a carnlvores?

It is a miss conception that all monitor species are carnivores. whilst most are there are a few species which are not!Northern Sierra Madre Forest monitor lizard (Varanus bitatawa) is herbovore apparently!

Carnivores that live in the ocean?

The sharks areb a carnivore. And the the lizard fish, Gnhal fish, ells, and almost all others too XD

Can alligator lizard live with a gecko?

No - firstly, they require completely different living conditions - and secondly, alligator lizards are carnivores - and would eat the gecko !

Can a small green lizard eat a maggot?

Yes, a small green lizard can eat a maggot. The reptiles in question (Lacertilia suborder) will feed upon flesh if they are carnivores or omnivores but they will not if they number among the plant-eating (herbivorous) genera.

Are lizards omnivores herbivores carnivores?

all three"They are carnivors because they eat insects" - this is completely false.Lizards can be herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores depending on whether they eat only plants, only animals, or a combination of the two.