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Probably because the man is stronger. He has an advantage of often being heavier, bigger and stronger. It's like the bigger bully going after the smaller student. If using your words you are equals.

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Q: Is a man that hits a woman a coward and why?
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What do men get out of slapping and hitting women?

They do this to have control of women. They do this to show women that they have more power over them. A man that hits a woman is not a real man, but a coward. They are so miserable with their ownselves that hitting a woman makes them think that the woman can feel bad with them and it makes them feel better about theirselves to see someone else in pain for a moment. Misery loves company. Hitting a woman is one of the most down right disgusting things a man could do. it's on the same list of rape and murder.

What do you say if someone calls you a coward or says you wont fight?

Just be the bigger man (or woman) and ignore them. All fighting proves is that you are an uncivilized brute.

Why a man gets arrested for hitting a woman but a man is expected to take it if a woman hits him?

if its right then women are taking advantage of being women and the law, as women knows that they are not gonna be arrested if they hits a man

Why is it okay if a woman hits a man and gets away with it?

* Because a woman is naturally weaker than a man, and if a man was to hit a woman it would be unfair. * Unless the woman is defending herself no woman has the right to hit a man in anger and it's considered physical abuse.

Who wrote the qoute It takes a strong man to fight but a stronger man to not fight?

A coward.

What does 'chola' mean?

chola means it is a woman gangster. in grand theft auto and "cholo" is a man gangster.

What do you call a guy that hits a girl?

A coward that doesn't deserve to be called a man. It very much depends why he is hitting her. He could be just defending himself, so defensive could be the word for it. Females are capable of committing violence too, though the frequency in regards to men is up for debate. There is no particular law that prevents a man from defending himself from a woman or vice-versa.

In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn who sais the average man is a coward?

Colonel Sherburn

What were Ernesto Guevara last words?

"Shoot you coward, you're going to kill a man."

The person who says The average man is a coward is?

Colonel Sherburn from Advetnures of Huckleberry Finn

Is Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart a coward?

Yes. Okonkwo is not afraid of fighting or afraid of blood, but he is afraid of having to change. He is afraid of being killed by a white man, so does it himself. For the most parts he is not a coward, but he is a coward in this specific way. NO NO NO NO NO.... He is not a coward, he is merely afraid of his feelings, they make him feel weak. He wished to be the opposite of his father, a weak emotional man. He kills himself because he was afraid of change and felt that his village was dying/dead.

What is the birth name of Noel Coward?

Noel Coward's birth name is Coward, Nol Peirce.