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Unicorns were just a myth and still are just a myth because Greeks, with their stories, told of unicorns, three- headed dogs, and half-human half- horses (whatever they're called). They don't sound real because they aren't real, no offense. (but it's true)

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No, they are born from Narwhals.

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8y ago

Narwhals are born live.

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Q: If a narwhal is like a horned manatee why are there no unicorns?
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What sea creatures are known as sea unicorns?

It would probably be narwhales, as they have a horn on their "head" much like unicorns do.

What kind of whale has been mistaken for a unicorn historically?

The Narwhal has a horn. Horse Isle Quiz- Narwhal.

What kind of whale is a narwhal?

they are found in cold weather like the arctic. AND NARWHALS ARE TRULY AWESOME!

Why are unicorns so magical?

because they fly throught the sky and drink friji milk and jaffa cakes and live on the galafagus islands, they ride like pegasis. they are magical horned creatures :)

Do unicorns like bacon?

No unicorns are herbivores

Does Justin Bieber like unicorns?

Honestly, who doesn't like unicorns??

How does manatee looks?

The manatee looks like a walrus, without the tusks.

Do unicorns like pickels?

No unicorns only like pink pickles with bows on top because they remind the female unicorns of the male unicorns.

Why aren't there any unicorns?

There are no unicorns because they are mythical creatures. Mythical creatures are figments of our minds.supplementary The tusks of the narwhal were brought back to Europe by sailors, and the legend grew that they were a real animal like a horse.Suited the purposes of superstition and mythology quite well. I have a nice statue of one, ex NY museum, and its quite nice ornament.

What does bad pineapple taste like?

Slightly rancid.

How are unicorns created?

"Unicorns" were actually single-horned rhinos (the Indian Rhinoceros), which were used as beasts of war in ancient times. They were misinterpreted as a mythical creature.The historical figure Genghis Khan documented that he called off the invasion of India due to witnessing 'terrible and brutal one-horned beasts ridden by man', which today we understand were War Rhinos, similar to War Elephants. They were also mentioned by an Ancient Greek called Ctesias.The documents were misinterpreted, hence the myth of unicorns was born. When in reality, they were actually Indian Rhinos.See this related question: Do Unicorns Exist?

Does Daniel Radcliffe like unicorns?

Hmmm. He has never mentioned unicorns, but he does like wolves. He thinks they are beautiful and mysterious.