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Yes. Color Doppler Ultrasonography gives accurate description of presence of Heart disease or valvular heart disease.

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Q: Is a noninvasive diagnostic method that uses ultrasonographic images to detect the presence of heart disease or valvular disease?
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What methods of visualization are available that limit radiation exposure?

general cardiac architecture and valvular function can be visualized by noninvasive cardiac ultrasound. Cardiac ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound can be used together to observe valvular insufficiency and stenosis

How do you take care patients in valvular heart disease?

what is valvular heart disease? how is take care it?

What kinds of valvular heart disease are there?

Patients with valvular heart disease have a malfunction of one or more of these valves. There are several types of valvular heart diseases with distinct symptoms and treatments. These are:

Can valvular heart disease be cured?

The prognosis for patients with valvular heart disease varies depending on the underlying cause, age and health of the patient, and the degree of valvular damage or involvement.

What is colonic angioectasia?

Colonic angioectasia causes bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract. This presence is often associated with liver cirrhosis, chronic renal failure, and valvular heart disease.

What is the nursing care plan for patient with valvular heart disease?

good morning! may i ask you about the valvular heart disease ? could you tell me about the the take care patient of valvular heart disease?

Why is valvular angioplasty performed?

Valvular angioplasty is performed in children and adults to relieve stenosis. While it offers relief, it does not always cure the problem, particularly in adults.

How is valvular heart disease diagnosed?

Specific types of valvular heart disease are diagnosed using electrocardiography (EKG), echocardiography, certain x-ray studies, and/or cardiac catheterization.

Where is spiral valve found?

Inside of the valvular intestine of a shark.

What is the function of the valvular intestine on a shark?

To digest Spirally

How is valvular heart disease treated?

The treatment of specific valvular heart diseases will vary, depending on the valve involved and the extent of damage or malfunction. Some patients will not require treatment and many will be treated with medication.

What helps to prevent valvular prolapse during ventricular systole?

chordae tendonae