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yes.well it depends if ur carefull enough

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Q: Is a polycarbonate kettle safe to use for boiling water?
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Related questions

Is boiling water in a plastic kettle dangerous?

Yes, because the kettle will melt. but you can get plastic kettles that are safe to boil your water in. so when it shows signs of melting that means you have to replace it

Is it safe to heat oil with a usual water kettle?

No, it is not safe to heat oil with the usual water kettle since oil is highly inflammable.

What would happen during boiling if someone filled the kettle with water above the mark indicated by the word 'Max'?

Nothing would happend, you might get some small drops of water on the table, but other than that its perfectly safe.

How can you make sea water safe to drink?

You can make sea water safe to drink by boiling it. This will get rid of all the minerals in the water. I hope this helps you. You have to catch the steam from the boiling, that's the only safe part.

How long do you boil water to make it safe to drink?

By the time water hits its boiling point the water is safe.

What is the safe way to check the temperature of boiling water?

With a thermometer

Safety of rusty bottom teakettle?

However it is more safe than boiling water in plastic electric kettles. plastic pots are toxic. me, I think small rusts in the kettle are not dangerous maybe that can be considered "Good" because of working as a source of Iron.

What does by boiling water removed?

Boiling water at high temperatures removes any pathogens or disease-causing bacteria present in the water, making it safe to cook with or drink.

Put a can of water in boiling water Why the water in the can will never boil?

Because it is safe inside of the can and the can is hot, but just not the water

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When my enameled steel kettle is dry it has a white chalk like material in it Is this harmful?

This sounds like the kettle has mineral deposits in it, which are not harmful. They occur naturally from water, but can be safely removed. There are many products on the market for this, just read the label to be sure it is safe for the enamel finish. But in the meantime it is certainly safe to use the kettle.

Why does a boiling milk overflow but a boiling water does not?

Boiling milk over flows because, they're chemicals in the milk to keep it safe that react badly when boiling, and tend to overflow from the container it is in.