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prophets are ALLAHs (God's) messengers, sent to propogate the message of Islam. Prophets are NOT saints and should NOT be worshipped.

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Q: Is a prophet a saint in Islam?
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Who is the saint of islam religion?

In Islam there's no such a thing called saint, even the prophet Muhammad ...he is the last prophet of the chain of prophets (including Jesus and Moses and Abraham ). the greatness is only to Allah (god) the creator of heavens and earth.

Who was the main prophet of Islam?

Muhammad was the main prophet of Islam.

What religion is the prophet Muhammad associated with?

The religion is Islam. see related question for more information.

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The prophet Muhammad is often regarded as the founder of Islam.

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No, the religion of Islam was established by Prophet Muhammed.

What is the name of the central prohet of Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Islam .

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Prophet Muhammad.

Who is the 1st prophet according to Islam and christian mythology?

According to Islam first prophet was Adam.

Is it true or false that in Islam Jesus is believed to be a prophet?

Yes , it is true, Jesus (AS) is believed to be prophet in Islam .

Who is the first prophet in Islam?

The first prophet for humanity was Adam (peace be upon him). After the flood, prophet Noah can be considered the first prophet as no one was saved except those who were with him in the Ark. Thx.

The name of the famous prophet in Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)