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If a proton, is a proton then it is a proton. (True).

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Q: Is a proton is a proton is a proton. True or False?
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True or false the mass of a proton is about one atomic mass unit?

False - an electron is about 1/1836 the mass of a proton.

Is it true or false Protons are located in the nucleus of the atom?

False. A proton is found inside the nucleus of an atom.

Is it true or false that the proton and the electron have similar masses but opposite electrical charges?

False. A proton is about 2000 times heavier than an electron.

Is this true or false the mass of a proton is about one atomic mass unit?

The mass of the proton is a little greater than 1 amu:

Is it true that A proton is 24 times more massive than a neutron?

False. The mass of proton and neutron are almost similar.

A proton is a subatomic particle carrying a charge equal to but opposite that of an electron true or false?

True. But please note that there are other differences between the proton and the electron as well - for example, the proton has a larger mass, and the proton is made up of smaller particles, while the electron - as far as we know - is not.

Is true or false electron and neutron have opposite charge?

False, electrons are negatively charged whereas neutrons have no charge. An electron is of opposite charge to a proton which has a positive charge.

True or false A Proton is positively charged and found in the orbitals?

Protons are positively charged but found in the NUCLEUS (so false). Electrons are found in the orbitals (but are negatively charged)

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