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No. A Red Dwarf is a very low mass star - less than our Sun. Only massive stars > 20 Suns will result in a supernova [See Related]

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Q: Is a red dwarf star made from a supernova?
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Star of life?

Nebule > Star > Red Giant > Red Dwarf > White Dwarf > Supernova > Neutron Star > Black Hole.

What does a life cycle of a star look like?

Nebule > Star > Red Giant > Red Dwarf > White Dwarf > Supernova > Neutron Star > Black Hole.

What are the stages of a stars life?

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Will a red giant star end as a supernova?

Not exactly. Red giants become white dwarf stars. It is the red supergiants that can become supernovas.

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well what you gotta do is go home a smoke weed

What is the order from smallest to largest sun supernova red giant white dwarf?

White Dwarf, Sun, Red Giant, Supernova

Does a supernova have a collapsed star?

A red giant, otherwise the star that is dieing will just shrink into a white dwarf and eventually disappear.

Does a star change during its life cylcle?

Yes. The possible cycle is: protostar/brown dwarf main sequence star red giant supernova/super giant white dwarf/black hole black dwarf

A star's lifetime depends on what?

It depends on its size. Smaller stars- main-sequence, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf, black dwarf Bigger stars- main-squence, red giant, supernova, neutron star.

What is the next step after a red giant?

Learning about stars can be fun. A red giant star is a star with a mass like the Sun, after it runs out of fuel it can become a white dwarf or end as a supernova.

Describe in general the life history of a star with an average mass like the Sun?

A star, the size of our sun, does not explode into a supernova. Instead, toward the end of its life, it grows over 1000 times its size into what is called a Red Giant. After that it implodes and looses mass at a quick rate reaching the white dwarf stage. After that it is a black dwarf and looses all its energy and mass.