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No, unless they don't talk to their parents. If they talk to their parents then they are not a runaway.

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12y ago

Not usually for the runaway behavior itself, but perhaps the underlying cause of the behavior: a parent can be arrested for being abusive, which led to the child running away.

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Q: Is a seventeen year old who refuses to come home in Maryland considered a runaway?
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Can a seventeen year old not be considered a runaway if they make it out of the state?

No, if the 17 year old isn't where their parents expect them to be, they are a runaway.

If you are seventeen and live in California but run away to Ohio are you considered a runaway or are you legal?

Technically, you are a run-away, yes.

What is the legal age a child can leave home and not be considered a runaway Maryland?

i would say 18 years old.

Can a seventeen year old be charged as a runaway?


Can you runaway at seventeen and not be filed as a runaway?

yes you can be because you are not 18 and 17 is still consider as a minor

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What age can you legally move out in Maryland and what age are you not considered a runaway and the police can't bring you back home?

12 years old

Can you legally runaway at the age of seventeen in Louisiana?

No you can not until you are 18 and then you can move out.

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Berlin, Maryland

Are parents responsible for a seventeen-year-old runaway in the state of Missouri?

no of course not -.-

What can a parent do if a child moves out at age seventeen in Michigan?

Call the police and report them as a runaway.

Is there a law in Maryland about harboring a runaway age 16yrs?
