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In general, yes, a submarine is larger than a submersible. A submersible is usually considered to be a small craft operated from a support vessel.

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Q: Is a submarine larger than a submersible?
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What is the difference between a submersible and a submarine?

well submersible is for exploring the water as a submarine is a war machine use well in wars

What is another name for the submarine?

A submarine is an undersea boat, or submersible.

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What is the difference between a submarine and a submersible?

i think a submarine can stay underwater indefinetly but a submersible can only stay down for a limited time.

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No kits are made for a model submarine that is submersible.

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Is that a submarine or a submersible on Club Penguin?

The little underwater boat on Club Penguin could be either a midget submarine or an untethered submersible. Its smallness and agility make a good case for calling it a submersible. In the Aqua Grabber instructions they call it a 'sub', which is usually short for submarine but could actually refer to either one.

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The correct spelling is submarine (underwater, or a submersible vessel).

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underwater craft, submersible, U-boat

Is submarine an adjective or an article?

The word submarine can be a noun or an adjective.(Note that as an adjective it means underwater, not the type of submersible ship.)