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NO, only if it can be substantiated as "significant enough to cause substantial impairment of a vulenrable child or adult" per Florida law "Dept of Children and Families Fl statute 415.111, and 415.102, Intent and an active Police Report, investigation ensues within 24 hours is filed at the time of alleged abuse.

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13y ago

Not familiar the the criminal charge of "CONDITIONAL" violence.

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11y ago

yes very much so you can be sent to prison for it

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Q: Is verbal violence considered a crime?
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Violence or the threat of violence is what?

Violence or the threat (verbal threat) of violence is considered assault in the United States. The threat of violence is a crime and can result in jail time.

Is a Class C Misdemeanor for Domestic violence considered a violent crime?

sure is !!!

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In most states felony drug convictions are considered crimes of violence.

What are the types of violence?

physical and verbal

What are the four types of media violence or violence?

violence with a weapon, violence without a weapon, verbal violence, crashes and explosions

What are the different type of violence?

physical and verbal

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violence is the thing that hurts the feelings or the person so it can be physical or verbal or emotional

Why should domestic violence be considered a private affair?

Domestic violence is a crime, and a public affair. Abusers probably want it to be considered a private affair to avoid the shame of owning their actions, but in general, most believe that domestic violence should be a public affair.

Will a domestic violence misdemeanor be dismissed if it is your first offense in california?

Difficult to say - any domestic violence crime is considered pretty serious nowadays, whether it was a misdemeanor or a felony.

What are personal relationship policies toward verbal abuse and violence?

Personal relationship policies toward verbal abuse and violence should prioritize zero tolerance. Verbal abuse and violence are harmful and can have long-lasting effects on an individual's physical and mental well-being. It's important to establish clear boundaries and communicate expectations of respectful communication and non-violence. If verbal abuse or violence occurs, it is essential to address the issue promptly and consider seeking professional help or ending the relationship if necessary.

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Reduced Violence After Relating Without Violence.

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