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It became standard practice with the invention of the typewriter. The computer keyboarding practice of one space after a period has become acceptable.

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Q: Is adding two spaces at the end of a sentence a common practice?
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How many spaces follow a question mark?

The most widely accepted use of spaces today entails that one space be left between the end of sentence and the beginning of another. A question mark denotes the end of an interrogatory sentence, thus it is most common to leave one space after a question mark before starting the next sentence. It is also acceptable, though less common, to leave two spaces between sentences.

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Spaces come between words in a sentence.

How many spaces are after the period in an abberviation?

one space after and abberviation two spaces at the end of a sentence

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Common delimiters in access are Tabs, semicolons, spaces, and commas.

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you can shrink the spaces within the molecules of liquid by increasing the temperature (freezing it ) or adding pressure.

How many spaces after a colon in time?

One space. There is a general American practice that if a dependent clause (incomplete sentence) follows the colon, the writer should insert one space; and if an independent clause (complete sentence) follows the colon, the writer should use two spaces. However, this is practice is generally seen as antiquated and is discouraged in professional-style manuscripts. One space is sufficient.

Is there two spaces after a period to begin the next sentence?

Some put two (or even three) spaces after a full stop (period in America) before starting a new sentence. One space after a comma. Personally, I use two spaces, unless I forget!

How many spaces are there after a comma at the end of a sentence?

Commas do not go at the end of sentences. Periods go at the end of sentences. Generally when typing on a computer, you should have two spaces after the period at the end of a sentence.

How many spaces are left after a comma within a sentence?

1 space.

How many spaces after the end of a sentence?

0 as u have a full stop...

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The common hazards of confined spaces include:vapor poisoningasphyxiationengulfment

What is the gap between practice and theory?

The three letters, a n d, along with two spaces.