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Yes, air is a mixture of gasses (roughly 80% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, with small amounts down to traces of carbon dioxide, water vapor, neon, argon, krypton, radon, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, various nitrogen oxides, etc.). Air has mass & weight. Air occupies a volume of space. Air moves and you feel it when it does (i.e. wind).

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9y ago
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12y ago

Air is matter because it has mass and takes up space. You can demonstrate this by blowing up a balloon. The balloon increases in volume because of the air entering the balloon. If you weigh the balloon before and after, you will see that the balloon has more mass, which can only have come from the air blown into the balloon.

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13y ago

Matter is anything that has mass. Air has mass. There is about a tonne of air above you. Air is made mainly of molecules of nitrogen and oxygen.

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12y ago

Air is matter because it occupies space and has mass. A substance needs not be solid and visible to be matter.

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12y ago

yes, air is a matter

is matter because it takes up space

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10y ago

Air is matter because it has mass and the same time take space

and the definition of matter is anything that has mass and take space .

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12y ago

Becasue it contains the element which human being need to breathe to live and it help people's gas exchanging.

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12y ago

Air has mass and takes up space.

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Yes, air is considered matter because it takes up space. Air is made up of many things, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.

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yes . things which have volume and mass are called matter. believe it or not air is also matter

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We know air is matter because when we blow up a balloon the air will take up space so the balloon gets bigger. We know that air has matter because it has mass. Anything that has mass and takes up space has matter.

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