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Flavio Mitchell

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Q: Is an amoeba a unicellular or a multicellular?
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Is amoeba unicellular or multicellular?

Amoeba is unicellular.

Is an amoeba uni or multicellular?

An amoeba is unicellular and do all work by one cell.

Example of unicellular and multicellular?

amoeba-uni human-multi

Are amoebas lower multicellular organism?

No amoeba are unicellular protozoan and are eukaryotic

Name three unicellular organisms?

Well there are 5 unicellular organisms and they are bacteria, amoeba, protists, viruses, and diatoms:)

Why is the amoeba considered an out group in this cladogram?

Why is the amoeba considered an outgroup in this cladogram?

Are animalia unicellular?

One name of a unicellular animal is the amoeba. There's also the paramecium and the plasmodium, which are both unicellular animals.

Is amoeba the same size as an elephant?

No. Amoeba is the simplest microscopic unicellular cell whereas elephant is the largest mammal (which is a multicellular organism)

Is Oscillatoria unicellular or multicellular?

Amoeba is Unicellular , & can also be a multicellularthey are unicellular and multicellular.and i dint know why.

What does the Nucleus in the amoeba do?

As with all cells, multicellular and unicellular, the nucleus acts as the controller of the cell. In an amoeba, it controlls movement, when to eat, and controlls reproductive abilities.

What is the term with the appropriate definition?

Unicellular, no nucleus visible, bacteria :Monera , unicellular organisms, eukaryotic, amoeba :Protista , Motile, heterotrophic, multicellular, cat :Animalia , Sessile, autotrophic, multicellular, rose :Plantae

Are mammals unicellular or multicellular?

Both plants and animals are multicellular. Unicellular organisms have only one cell and are usually microscopic. Most animals have millions of cells, for example humans have about 1014 (100,000,000,000,000) cells.