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Ankle jerk is somatic. It is the reflex action, in which the afferent. connecting and the efferent neurons are involved. Autonomic nerves do not supply the striated muscles.

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Q: Is an ankle jerk reflex somatic or autonomic?
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What is patellar knee-jerk reflex a somatic or autonomic reflex?

yes, the knee relfex felt when tapped just below the knee cap on the patellar tendon is a somatic reflex which is a contraction of skeletal muscles. the opposite would be autonomic relfexes which consist of contractions of smooth or cardiac muscle or secretion by glands.

What movement would you expect to occur during the Achilles reflex?

The Achilles reflex is also known as the ankle jerk reflex. If the Achilles tendon is tapped, the foot should jerk towards its plantar surface.

Which nerve is important for the ankle jerk reflex?

medial popliteal nerve

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ImproveTheir are 4 types of reflexes:spinal reflex (knee jerk);cranial reflex (reading);somatic reflexes (involve contraction of skeletal muscles);autonomic (visceral) reflexes (involve responses of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands)

Reflexes classified as somatic reflexes include?

A. abdominal reflex B. Achilles jerk D. corneal reflex E. crossed extensor reflex F. gag reflex G. patellar reflex H. plantar reflex

What level of the spinal cord does the Achilles reflex test?

The Achilles reflex is also known as the ankle-jerk reflex. it is controlled by the S1 segment of the spinal chord and occurs when the Achilles tendon is struck with a rubber hammer.

What reflex is the knee jerk reflex an example of?

knee jerk aka patellar reflex is an example of a stretch reflex

What is an example of not voluntary or under conscious control?

your heart beating is involuntary.You cant make it move like you can your arms or legs. Also a reflex, such as the knee-jerk reflex. Both examples are part of the autonomic nervous system.

An example of a reflex?

knee-jerk reflex

Is the knee-jerk reflex a simple reflex stretch reflex or a spinal reflex?

spinal reflex

The patellar reflex is a type of?

knee jerk aka patellar reflex is an example of a stretch reflex

What characteristics do the reflexes have in common?

The reflexes that have one thing in common are the knee, ankle, plantar jerk, biceps, and triceps. They are all governed by reflex arcs in the spine.