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Officially, the egg cell is the ovum which is haploid. However, the precursor cells in the ovaries, which people commonly refer to as eggs, are diploid. During the process known as oogenesis, the diploid cells undergo meiosis and become haploid.

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Q: Is the egg in human egg cells haploid or diploid?
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Are most of the cells in the human body called haploid or diploid?

All cells in the human body that are not gametes (sperm or egg cells) are diploid. Gametes are haploid.

When are human cells diploid?

All human somatic (body) cells are diploid. Only the gametes, sperm and egg cells, are haploid.

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Archegonia is diploid. Antheridia is haploid. They are found in bryophytes or ferns.

In humans what cells are diploid?

All body or somatic cells are diploid. Only sex cells are haploid.

Is an ovule diploid or haploid?

The ovule largely consists of diploid cells except in its embrosac where egg apparatus, polar nuclei and antipodal cells are haploid.

Are gametes haploid or diploid?

gametes are haploid (half the normal number of chromosomes)

What is the difference between a diploid and haploid cell?

Haploid cells are gametes, meaning they are reproductive cells. They have half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells. Diploid (somatic) cells are in every part of the body other than the gametes. The have twice the amount of chromosomes as in haploid cells. Haploid cells reproduce using meiosis, while diploid cells use mitosis.a haploid cell has half the amount of chromosomes of a diploid cell. human germ cells are haploids (the egg and sperm) they each contain 23 chromosomes.

What is the difference between diploid and a haploid cell?

Haploid cells are gametes, meaning they are reproductive cells. They have half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells. Diploid (somatic) cells are in every part of the body other than the gametes. The have twice the amount of chromosomes as in haploid cells. Haploid cells reproduce using meiosis, while diploid cells use mitosis.a haploid cell has half the amount of chromosomes of a diploid cell. human germ cells are haploids (the egg and sperm) they each contain 23 chromosomes.

Is a liver cell a haploid or a diploid cell?

diploid foolall are diploid except sperms and eggs

Haploid cells are symbolized by what?

Haploid cells are denoted n, and diploid cells are denoted 2n."n" refers to the set of chromosomes - therefore haploid cells have one set of chromosomes and diploid cells have two sets (pairs of chromosomes). Haploid cells have half the number of chromosomes as diploid cells.

Is sperm haploid or diploid?

haploid - they contain a single set of unpaired chromosomes

What type of cells are halpoid?

Haploid cells contain half the number of chromosomes as regular cells do. For example, a normal, or diploid, human cell contains 46 chromosomes, but a haploid cell will only contain 23. Most of the cells in your body are diploid cells, and only sex cells, egg or sperm, are haploid. The reason they are haploid is because when they join together to make an embryo, their DNA combines.