

Is anglo-Saxon still spoken

Updated: 8/23/2023
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16y ago

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Anglo-Saxon is one of the ancestor languages of English, and is often refered to as Old English. It is not spoken today, being an archaic form of our modern language, and as such slipped into disuse. Today, modern linguists can guess at what it might of sounded like. But in reality, this has basiclly been a dead language for a long time.

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No. Anglo-Norman is as dead as a dodo. Hold on! Not quite. In the Channel Islands, known to the French as the Anglo-Norman Islands, a few older people still speak the local language(s). This from Though English is now the dominant language on the Channel Islands each island of Jersey, Guernsey and Sark has its own native local French dialect, respectively Jerrias, Guernesiais and Sercquiais. These traditional spoken vernaculars of the islands are varieties of Norman French. The original Normans who came from Norway and Denmark spoke Norse and there are still a number of Norse elements in the islands' dialects. Though standard French has never been an everyday spoken language in any of the islands it has served as an official language of legislation and debate in legislative assemblies. The evacuation of the islands' children in the Second World War meant that when they returned they had become more at home with English and their families tended to speak in English too. It is only within living memory that English has replaced French as the language of legislation.

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Old English

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