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Yes. As they have not demonstrated moral obligations they obviously have no inherent rights. Unfortunately many decadent societies have extended non human animals privileged value exceeding that of human offspring

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13y ago

Yes animal research is acceptable. There are couple of reasons:

1. People fear being tested on themselves.

Everyone fights against animal testing. However, many people will refuse to be tested on themselves. When it comes down to reality, humans will be too selfish/fearful to stand up for their causes.

2. Classic example. Your close relative is dying. The disease is new and there is no known cure.

Of course you would want the scientists to do all that they could to save your relative. Who wouldn't? Animal testing has cured a few diseases that might've ravaged our country or maybe even the world, today. Polio (might not be accepted as it took multiple experiments on monkeys and one final experiment on a human), cholera, syphilis and etc. Scientists have also found, through animal testing, some blockades to conditions like Diabetes and Asthma.

3. History would've been completely off.

Going for a theory here, if animal testing were eliminated from our country, it would be obvious that many diseases would still be running rampant throughout the world. You see on the news cases of people offering up their own bodies to science. However, these cases are extremely rare and if animal testing were completely banned, than our country would be lacking in anti-biotics and medical procedures that might help save a person's life.

4. Animal testing on the animals is fairly small compared to the whole species.

Let's face it. Animal testing is aimed at an average of about 115 million per year. It may seem like a lot, but there are two facts that undermine it.

A. Most likely that scientists will take about a hundred per species from different countries or the U.S. It will not kill the whole species or even put them at the risk of extinction. The animals will most likely breed back the numbers within a few months .

B. 115 million a year. Compare that to the number of animals in the U.S.

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