

Best Answer

Argon is the 3rd most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere at about 0.93%

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Q: Is argon a rare or common element?
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Related questions

Is argon a rare element?

No. It is the third most common gas in the atmosphere.

Is argon rare or common?

Argon is rare.

Common element in the atmosphere?

Nitrogen, oxygen, argon

What element is inert?

Some element that is unreactive, like any of the rare gases helium, neon, argon etc.

Is zinc a rare or common element?

Zinc is a common element.

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How common is the element Argon in nature?

1% so there is A LOT OF IT

How do you use the word argon in a sentence?

the argon in the electric lights went unnoticed meaning- unreactive, colourless, odourless, element of rare gas

How common is argon?

argon is 1% of air so its pretty coomon i wouldn't say that argon is a goopd source of percentage of air because as you can see argon is a metal and an element so its probably not common

Why is argon rare?

It isn't. It's the third most common gas in the atmosphere.

Is yttrium common or rare?

It is classified as a rare earth element.

When was the element argon discovered?

The element argon was discovered in 1894.