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Since this is in the Abortion category I'm wondering if you are wondering if it can be used to abort with and the answer is no to that.

It is discouraged, aspirin won't hurt the baby. If you've taken it don't do it again unless advised by doctor. Use Tylenol instead.

Low-dose baby aspirin is actually used in fertility treatments (to prevent clots / reduce miscarriage).

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Q: Is aspirin cortal is only use for headache?
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How do you use cortal to abort?

None. Cortal is like Aspirin which and will not cause abortion. Pregnant women should not use Aspirin because of risk for fetal damage.

How do you use cortal in aborting baby?

You don't. Cortal is Aspirin and can't be used for abortion.

Can cortal melt an embryo?

No, Cortal is Aspirin and can not make you abort.There is however risk for fetal damage so pregnant women should not use Aspirin.

Are cortal tablets can stop pregnancy?

Cortal ® made by GalaxoSmithKline is actually three different preparations to reduce pain and fever:Cortal For Adults tab ® Contains acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg, caffeine 30 mg (aspirin and caffeine)Cortal For Children tab ® Contains 80 mg acetaminophen (paracetamol)Cortal Ibuprophen tab ® Contains ibuprofenNone of these will cause miscarriage or prevent or endpregnancyOverdosage with "Cortal ®" can cause delayed labor, liver and heart damage for your baby, and liver damage to you. It does not end pregnancy.There are rumors that "Cortal ®" will cause miscarriage or end pregnancy. These rumors are untrue.GalaxoSmithKline Limited who makes Cortal® should be aware this and take appropriate measures to counteract this.. GSK Website: but it can cause fetal damage so it's not for pregnant women. If you have a headache ask your doctor what you can take.

How do use cortal to abort baby?

You can not abort using Cortal. It's like Aspirin which can also not be used for abortion.

Is it safe to drink grand pa headache powder when pregnant?

Grandpa is not safe to use in pregnancy due to caffeine and aspirin ingredients. Ask your doctor what to use.

What will take a headache away at home?

Common over the counter remedies include aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult with a physician. At times eating will relieve a headache or drinking caffeine. Low blood sugar can cause a headache as can high blood pressure or illness. Getting some sleep or taking a hot bath may take a headache away. Again, if the symptoms are severe or persistent, go see a doctor.

Can you use aspirin on a live Christmas tree?

Only if it has a hedge ache.

Is it safe to use tenston for a 1 year old with chickenpox?

No! Tenston contains aspirin. Children with chickenpox should avoid aspirin to prevent Reyes syndrome. Use acetaminophen/paracetamol only!

When to use cortal medicine?

When you have pain and fever. It does not cause abortion as someone apparently told you since you added this question to abortion. Overdosage with Cortal can cause delayed labor, liver and heart damage for your baby, and liver damage to you. It does not end pregnancy.

What is cortal consor's dtc number?

Cortal Consors doesn't have a DTC number. Instead, they use BNP Paribas' DTC number: 0049 Here is a list of all DTC numbers:

What are Symptoms And how are they treated?

Symptoms are how YOU feel. They are treated to help you feel better. If you have a headache that is a symptom and you would use something to lessen it like aspirin.Symptoms are how YOU feel. They are treated to help you feel better.