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Q: Is Bane the most menacing villain of all time If not, who is?
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So far, the most powerful villain is The Lich.

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How long for Menacing in the second and third degree?

The sentence for menacing in the 2nd and 3rd degree varies by state. The sentence of menacing in the 2nd and 3rd degree could be some jail time, a fine, or probation.

How much jail time will someone get for aggrevated menacing?

6 months

Why would josef stalin be considered a villain?

He is considered the 2nd most evil person of all time

Why did Catwoman kill Bane in The Dark Knight Rises?

Bane was about to kill Batman. Catwoman arrived in time, firing the Badpod's guns on Bane and killing him. She then says, "About the whole no guns thing, I'm not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do."

Is dead-pool a hero or a villain?

hero and villain sort of a mix dpending on the time line

Was Joan of arc a villain?

At the time Joan lived, the British were in control of France. She was considered a heroine by most of the French people but the British and British sympathizers considered her a villain and heretic because she was fighting to drive the British out of France.

Who is the villain in The Simpsons Movie 2?

No one is the villain since a sequel to The Simpsons Movie doesn't and will not exist for some time.

How do you unlock Cad Bane on Star Wars Complete Saga for Wii?

You cant. At the time they made the complete saga cad bane didn't exist (i know because i have 100%)

Why was Cleopatra a villain?

Cleopatra was no more a villain than any other monarch of her time. However, because we know so little about her, and most of what we do know about her is negative, fiction writers have a wide open field fora character and she is portrayed in novels, plays and videos as a villain. This depiction of her began with Octavian as he waged his propaganda war with Antony.

Who is the Top Villain of all time?

Dr. Hannibal lecter