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No, nerds are generally seen as smart, if slightly out of touch with most other people (other nerds excluded). However, being a nerd WILL get you made fun of, if only out of jealousy. Remember Bill Gates' famous speech about High school, "Be nice to nerds, you might end up working for one."

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Q: Is being a nerd a bad thing?
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Related questions

Is being called a nerd always a bad thing?

Being called a nerd is never a bad thing. A 'Nerd' is typically someone who is very educated and intellectual. To be called a 'Nerd' is actually a compliment.

Why has nerd become such a negative thing?

Being smart is, of course, not a bad thing at all. However, "nerd" has become a stereotype for the person who does nothing but study and has no social life.

How do you not act like a nerd?

If your called a nerd your probably a nerd but that's not a bad thing find another nerd to make happy be a nerd and a nerdette

Why are you nerd for being in math club?

That's just a label that has been around as long as I can remember... at least 30 years. Being a 'nerd' is not necessarily a bad thing. Who do you think developed all of those electronic gadgets: iPods, cell phones, computers, software to run social networking sites, etc.

What kind video games do nerds play?

There is in fact no such thing as a nerd. The concept of a nerd is simply when someone feels jealous/intimidated/confused/angry about someone else being clever or different to them. The term nerd is just a general insult in all reality. Using words like nerd to describe people and make assumptions about them is bad because they may feel insulted and it causes prejudice.

Is it cool to be a nerd?

Yes, being a nerd or geek is way more fun then being normal. Think of it like this - Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. How did he do it? Being a nerd and playing with computers his whole childhood! Now he is one of the coolest nerds out there! Yes. Be a Nerd. It's Fun. yeah if some people say your nerdy just say who cares!!!!! why should you change!!! (unless you want to) every ones different! everyone special in there own way.

Is dork and nerd the same thing?

to answer your question yes a dork and a nerd are the same thing . the only difference is that a dork is usually a girl and a nerd can be a girl or a boy.

If you wear designer clothes and have a slim figure and lots of popular friends but you still feel like a nerd is it your glasses or are you really a nerd?

Nerd is just a stupid label. Having glasses doesn't make you a nerd. Being smart doesn't make you a nerd. Its just stereotypical. GLASSES ARE FOR BAD EYESIGHT, NOT A 'NERD' THING. Gosh, grow up. you don't even have to care what people say your a nerd that's there problem not yours and it wont be you that gets F's every test you will be the one getting A+'s all the time. So don't worry about that your just wasting time and not enjoying life.

You keep being called a nerd you are only 11?

being a nerd is good. they are all jelous because they arn't as smart as a 11 year old. :D never feel bad about being smarter than someone else. you never want to be called stupid.

Is it bad to be a nerd?

It's not bad to be a nerd, it's simply that nerds..and the meaning of nerd, is very misunderstood. Generally, I refer to nerds as people that has a high degree of intelligence in a given area or areas and prefers to talk about those subjects more then anything else. As the "official" definitions go, this could explain why they are considered as "socially inept". I do not consider that a bad thing though, not everybody needs to be social.

Whats worse a nerd or a dork?

i would have to say a nerd is worse. a dork is not as bad as a nerd. a nerd is real nerdy and bothers dumb people alot. trust me i would know

Is being an abomonation a good thing?

no, not at all. Being an abomination is a very bad thing!