

Is ab blood type the best blood type?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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It's good in the sense that it means anyone with AB+ blood is the universal recipient. For example, unless the person is looking for plasma, this person would be the last person affected in a blood shortest. Plasma works the other way around and anyone with AB-typoe blood would be the universal donor and therefore hard pressed to find plasma.

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12y ago

yup you can say that because in any case of blood lose and when blood is required by the person of blood group AB he or she have no tension because they are universal recipient (they can receive blood transfusion from any blood group).

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11y ago

It can receive any type of blood. So, if you happen to be in an emergency situation and need a blood transfusion, yeah, AB would be the best type to have, because they can use whatever blood they have and it won't react to your blood. However, if you're wanting to donate blood, AB is not the most highly sought after, since only other ABs can use it.

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The meaning of blood type ab positive is a category in which to group human blood. There are four different categories of human blood. Blood with a positive RH factor is known as blood type ab positive.

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It is not a universal donor blood type, that would be O. AB blood types are the universal receiver, meaning any other blood type can donate blood to an AB blood type. They can only donate to other AB blood types, however.

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14y ago

Yes. In standard ABO/RH classification you can have A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-.

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No, only O Type.

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