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Bond formation most often releases energy. but if other reactions or phase changes that release energy occur at the same time, bond formation can absorb energy.

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Q: Is bond formation an energy absorbing or an energy releasing process?
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Would you expect bond formation to be an energy-releasing process or an energy-absorbing process?

Bond formation is a energy releasing process that means exothermic can calculate these energy by knowing enthalpy change .If energy stored in the product is less then the energy stored in the reactant ,the process is known as exothermic whereas if energy stored in the product is more then the energy stored in the reactant ,the process is known as endothermic.

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it is absorbing energy because whenever anything is doing a process that requires heat it is taking in energy

Is bond formation an energy adsorbing or an energy releasing?

bond formation is an energy releasing process. the chemically bonded atoms are more stable than the separated atoms. gain in stability is always accompanied by a decrease in energy. besides, the opposite process, bond breaking requires energy to break the attraction between the bonded atoms.

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it doesn't its energy releasing reaction

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It absorbs energy.

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To become spontanious,energy should be released.

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The process is endothermic because the water is absorbing heat from the kettle. When energy (heat) is released as steam this is exothermic.

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The Energy releasing process that would be best is cellular resperation because it is the only process in our cells that release the most Energy. :D

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Evaporating alcohol absorbs energy. The same is true of any substance that is evaporating.

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What is the difference between energy releasing reaction and energy absorbing action?

Beacuse when you release energy out of your body or somthing, somthing has to take in the energy so absorbing;SO, it's like a chain reaction you release somthing els takes in, like humans breath oxygen plants breath our carbon dioxide and plants give us oxygenSo, it differs because when energy-realses somthing needs to take that energy in as in absorbing

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