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no its only in heart muscle

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Q: Is cardiac muscle tissues found in the stomach?
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What are not muscle tissues found in humans?

Human muscle tissues are either skeletal, smooth, or cardiac. Each has unique properties. Skeletal muscle is used to move you around, breathe, etc. Smooth muscle is found in blood vessels, and cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.

What structure is found in cardiac muscle tissue but not skeletal muscle tissue?

Heart and Stomach

What four types of tissue found in the stomach?

There are four types of tissue that are found in the stomach. These tissues are epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues.

What kind of tissue is the heart made up of?

Cardiac muscle fibers.

What are 3 types of muscle found in your body?

connective, muscle, and epithelial I believeconnective, muscle, and epithelial I believeThe three types of muscle tissues:1. The voluntary or striated- muscle responds to concious commands.2. The Involuntary or non-striated - responds automatically3. The Cardiac (heart) muscle - the muscle of the heart itself.I hope this answers your question.

What muscle tissue moves the heart?

If you mean what kind of muscle tissues it is a special tissue found only in the heart called cardiac muscle tissue. It sometimes referred to by professionals as myocardium.

What type of muscle is found in the wall of the stomach?

smooth muscle tissue. it is an involuntary muscle and the stomach can be controled by you.

What is the muscle tissue found in the heart?

Smooth cardiac muscle.

What are the muscles only found in your heart?

The only muscle found in the heart is cardiac muscle.

What part of body has involuntary muscles?

There are cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. Both cardiac and smooth are involuntary. Skeletal is voluntary. Skeletal muscles are the muscles you use to move your bones. You do these things voluntarily, like raising your arm. Skeletal muscle tires out quickly. Cardiac muscle is only found in your heart. This muscle type keeps your heart running and does not tire.

Where are intercalated disc found?

Cardiac muscle.

What type of muscle is found only in the walls of the heart?

Cardiac muscle forms the muscular wall of the heart. Cardiac muscle is involuntary muscle.