

Is cat food good for skunks?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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Skunks are omnivorous. They eat plants and meat. So yes, you could feed them a cat...

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Q: Is cat food good for skunks?
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What do scunks eat?

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yes skunks climb and they do get through cat doors so watch out!

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Depending on the size of your cat, it might be able to handle it if it was a very big cat but most cats wouldn't be able to handle it.

How do skunks eat their food?

with their mouth

How do you bait skunks?

The Critter Guy here in Canada provides food in a big trap so skunks will be attracted to the food's smell.

How does skunks get their food?

Skunks are carnivores. They kill and eat small animals and insects.

What is a skunks size?

An adult skunk is the size of a large cat (domestic).