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No, it can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency.

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Q: Is chalk a normal craving
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Is it normal to eat chalk and raw rice during pregnancy?

Yes it is, your body is craving or lacking is sodium disoftate, you need to eat 3-4 sticks of chalk per day to keep these levels normal.

What is the difference between dustless chalk and normal chalk?

* The particles of dustless chalk are very heavy and tend to fall directly to the floor instead of floating in the air, while the particles of the normal chalk floats in the air. * The dustless chalk writes smoothly without scratch, while the normal chalk leaves some scratches on the board. * The dustless chalk does not break easily while the normal chalk breaks easily.

Is getting a craving for charcoal normal when pregnant?

Yes, getting a craving for charcoal is normal when pregnant, if not a little weird all the same. Craving charcoal when pregnant is indicative of a deficiency in a woman's diet so it would be advisable to speak to one's GP about this type of craving.

What is the color of chalk?

it can be any color usually normal chalk is white but crayola's brand is as many colors.

You eat chalk and love it what should you do?

Get help ! I would imagine that chalk can be dangerous in large quantities. Although some medicenes, take TUMS for instance,. Have high quantities of chalk powder in them do some research and be careful. Maybe you body has a defficeincy of something and is manifesting in a chalk craving. You can probably find a pill to control your craving. You have a condition called pica. This is an abnornal condiion of eating a substance not usually eaten lke chalk. Get a blood test becaause it may be indicative of a low blood count. Otherwise, you may need behavior modification treatment which can be done on a outpatient basis.

When do certain pregnancy symptoms begin?

Most women have reported getting cravings within the first 2 to 3 weeks of pregnancy. It's normal to start craving salty or sweet foods and foods you might not normally eat. The only unsafe craving is 'pica' otherwise known as non-food cravings or substances of no nutritional value such as dirt, chalk, soap, etc.

Can eating a chalk affect your menstrual?

If you are eating chalk it is a definite sign that you have a condition called PICA. Your body is having a problem absorbing minerals. ( this is why you are "craving" such an odd substance). Good news though, this is easily treated and after your body is back to "normal" it will then be easy and most importantly SAFER for you to conceive. Go see a nutritionist or your family doctor . Easily fixed with some supplements.

Will digesting chalk be harmful?

It can be because some sidewalk chalk contains lead.

Why do some people like to eat chalk?

Some people like to eat chalk because they think it taste good.

Can you eat chalk?

Yes, some people do eat chalk, especially if they have calcium deficiencies. If you are craving chalk, you might have pica disorder, a calcium deficiency, or other issues, so please see a doctor immediately.

Which two rocks are quite crumbly and not very strong?

obiousely coal

Is craving orange juice normal during pregnancy?

Yes, It's Fine You Usually Crave Sand And Washing Powder Too. Its Absolutely Normal.