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Absolutely. There is no harm is applying Hina to hands, feet etc. You can offer prayer while it is applied.

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Q: Is cone Henna allowed in Islam?
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Related questions

How do you make a henna cone?

You kill a dog and use its guts to mold the cone together!!

Is highlighting hair haram in Islam?

It is not totally haraam but its makrooh (disliked). It is better to not highlight the hair because people should accept the hair color God gave them. But I guess henna is allowed.

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its it allowed in islam

Heena Cone?

Natural henna cones are made with organic henna, essential oil, lemon juice, and sugar. Henna is perishable and must be kept frozen when not used. It lasts up to 6 months in the freezer but only 1-2 days in the fridge/room temperature.

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No, keeping dogs in Islam is not allowed...............

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Yes, eating prawn is allowed in Islam. All kinds of sea food is allowed to eat per Islam teachings.

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French kiss is kind of oral sex that is not allowed in Islam except between couples who are licitly married per Islam religion.

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superstition is not allowed in islam.

Is bribery for deserved job allowed in Islam?

Bribery is sinful in Islam and is not allowed. Both the bribery Donner and the Receiver are sinful per Islam teachings.

Is scallop allowed in Islam or not?

Yes, scallop is allowed (halal) in Islam on condition that it is from allowed (halal) meat and cooked by allowed (halal) fats or oils.See the related question:What is prohibited to eat in Islam?listed below for more information.

Sonography haram in Islam?

according to Islam, No, it is not haram and is allowed.

When are people allowed to divorce in Islam?

Yes they are allowed to divorce.