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The word 'converted' is the past tense of the verb 'to convert':

They converted their garage into a sound studio.

The word 'converted' is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun:

The converted garaged saved money because they didn't need to rent studio space.

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Q: Is converted a noun or a verb?
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Which part of a sentence is a verb converted to a noun?

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Which part of a sentence is a verb that has been converted to a noun?

If it is used as a noun, it is a noun. Verbs are not really converted to nouns it is just that the same form can be used as a noun or a verb or an adjective. For example eating: as a verb - I am eating an apple. as a noun - I like eating. as an adjective - Eating apples are sweet and juicy.

What is converted nouns?

A converted noun is a noun that has been converted from one grammatical form to a word of another grammatical form without any changes to spelling or pronunciation. Noun conversion is also called 'zero derivation'. An example of a converted noun is march: The march was long and difficult. Without changing the spelling or pronunciation, it is also a verb: You will march to your room young man!

What is the abstract noun for convert?

The word transform is a verb. The past tense form is transformed.

How watch can be converted to noun?

The word 'watch' is both a noun (watch, watches) and a verb (watch, watches, watching, watched). The use of the word in a sentence determines if it is a noun or a verb.Examples:My watch was a gift from my grandfather. (noun, subject of the sentence)On Friday we're going to the park to watch the fireworks. (verb)The noun forms of the verb to watch are watcher and the gerund, watching.

What part of speech is converted?

Converted is a verb.

What is derivational nouns?

A derivational noun is a noun derived from another part of speech, usually by adding a prefix or suffix. Examples: slow (adjective) + ness (suffix) = slowness (noun) teach (verb) + er (suffix) = teacher (noun) prevent (verb) + ion (suffix) = prevntion (noun) good (adjective) + ness (suffix) = goodness (noun) drink (verb), drink (noun) = not a derivational noun (a converted noun, a word that functions as another part of speech without changing the word)

Is 'is' a verb or noun?

The noun 'is' is a verb, a form of the verb 'to be'. The verb 'is' functions as an auxiliary verb and a linking verb.

Is circle an adjective?

No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.

Is winner a verb or noun?


To change one's beliefs ends with vert?

The word you are probably looking for is "convert." It can be used as a noun or a verb: VERB: "He was a Christian but converted to Judaism." NOUN: "A convert is often more zealous in following the religion than someone born into it."

Is cellar a noun a verb or an adjective?

The word 'cellar' is both a verb (cellar, cellars, cellaring, cellared), and a noun (cellar, cellars). Example uses:Verb: He's an avid collector, he has a place underground to cellar his wine.Noun: We've converted the cellar into a playroom.