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Democracy is good because of the form government gave people more freedom.

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13y ago

No. Democracy is not good for ANY country. Democracy is worse than monarchy.

A Constitutional Democratic Republic, however, is far better than both. Yes, for EVERY country.

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What country is democracy?

America is an example of a democratic country

What country is a good example of representative Democracy in the world?

Canada and India

What are some good things about democracy?

every free citizen has the right to vote argue and democracy want everyone to be equal

What was the first country to establish participatory democracy?

The first country to establish participatory democracy is the United States of America. The second country do this too was France. They're not really a true democracy but there isn't any country, today nor has there ever been (except for Greece that had votes for every single issue that came up), with a true, full democracy. Although, the first civilization to have a democracy was Greece. Athens was the first city-state to establish a participatory democracy.

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The people of that country which is following the democracy are the real owners of the democracy of that country.

What is good about democracy?

Because people can choose for the ones that governs the country by voting.

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a direct democracy would be near impossible in a country with as many citizens as the U.S., which is why we are governed by a representative democracy.

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Keeping democracy strong is the responsibility of every citizen. It starts with being patriotic to your country. This means following laws, supporting our leaders, supporting our military, and instilling these beliefs in our children. Only then will our great country maintain a true democracy.

What is the difference between democracy and a parliamentary democracy?

It depends on what democracy without qualification means, but many people use it as a euphemism for "direct democracy". Direct Democracy makes every citizen responsible for every political decision. For example, in a direct democracy, every citizen would be voting on tax rates, immigration policy, etc. In a parliamentary democracy, districts of people vote for a person or party to represent them in a legislative forum. The party with the largest number of seats then forms a government, which directs the policy of the country.

What is the difference between a true democracy and a parliamentary democracy?

It depends on how you define "true democracy", but most people use it as a euphemism for "direct democracy". Direct Democracy makes every citizen responsible for every political decision. For example, in a direct democracy, every citizen would be voting on tax rates, immigration policy, etc. In a parliamentary democracy, districts of people vote for a person or party to represent them in a legislative forum. The party with the largest number of seats then forms a government, which directs the policy of the country.

What contributions corazon Aquino?

she restored the democracy to the country

Which type of democracy do we have in this country?

Representative democracy