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development of an economy is an internal phenomenon as it comes from within.

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Q: Is development of economy internal or external phenomenon?
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There are different organizational factors which can affect the market. These can be both internal and external. internal factors include finance, research, and manufacturing. External factors can be political situation, economy, and suppliers plus competitors.

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Sweden is an export-oriented mixed economy featuring a modern distribution system, excellent internal & external communications, & a skilled labour force.

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The differences between internal and external environment is: Internal environment involve within the organization, which are the employee attitudes,new equipment,strategy,work forces. The organization has the control of these matters because it happen within the organization unless like external environment. AND for the external environment,is clearly stated with the word external itself which means outside of the organizations which effect the changes in the organization which the organization does not have the control of it. External environment are involved by the PESTLE- Politic, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal and Environment.

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A business environment are the internal and external factors that affect a business. Its elements include society, technology, regulations, economy and politics.

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Internal factors to be considered would be the company and how it will be changing in the next five years, how much money they will have, and what kind of staff training is available. External factors might be the climate of the economy.

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If you ask wondering about Internal and External influences of a business there are many. Internal means things that the business can control, some of these include management, product, location, resources (meaning who they are buying the materials from, captial ect), and the business culture (how the business operates e.g. Green, Australian Made, ect). External influences also vary and could be economy, government, multicultralism, product diversity, competitors, market conditions, geographic and social. Though these are only a few, many other Internal and External Influences exist. Hope this helped :)

What are the main features of socialist model of development?

A socialist economy is characterised by public ownership of the means of production and distribution. There is collective ownership whereby all mines, farms, factories, financial institutions, distributing agencies (internal and external trade, shops, stores, etc.), means of transport and communications, etc.

What are some internal and external factors that affect systems projects?

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