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Azure Drago

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Q: Is digesting French fries chemical or a physical change?
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Is digesting french fries a chemical change?

Digesting french fries is both a physical and a chemical change. The chewing, pressing, and manipulating of the french fry is physical. The enzymes, bacterias, and acids breaking them down would be chemical.

Is digesting fries a chemical change?

Digesting french fries is both a physical and a chemical change. The chewing, pressing, and manipulating of the french fry is physical. The enzymes, bacterias, and acids breaking them down would be chemical.

Is a food digesting chemical or physical?

Its a chemical change.

Is the Digestion of food is physical change or chemical change?

Digesting food is a chemical change.

What wold digesting food be more of a chemical change or a physical change?

Chemical Reaction

Is Digesting an apple a physical or chemical change?

1. First step: a physical change 2. Second step: a chemical change

Is digeasting an apple a chemical or physical change?

It is both because as you eat it it's physical being is changed. It is a chemical change because the chemical in your stomach digesting it break it down.Hope that helps!!

Is digesting a sandwich a physical change?

The chewing part is, but the rest is a series of chemical changes.

Is digesting food chemical or physical changes?

Chemical Change

Is digesting a banana a chemical reaction or is a reversible change?

Digesting a banana is a chemical reaction, an ireversible change.

Is digesting your burger a physical change?

Digestion of any sort is actually a Chemical Change. For the enzymes in your stomach change the makeup of the substance to make it usable for the body.

Is digesting a banana chemical change or reversible change?

It's chemical change