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Q: Is emphysema caused by tar
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Which chemical in a cigarette causes emphysema?


Which is the main ingredient of cigarette which cause emphysema and cancer?

its tar because of its sticky property

Which substance found in tobacco causes emphysema a disease of the lungs?

The answer is: Tar

Can A build up of tar in the lungs can cause the delicate air sacs to break down What is the medical name given?

emphysema emphysema

What are the advantages of public smoking?

Lung cancer, tar, emphysema, for smokers and nonsmokers

What is emphysema usually caused by?

Emphysema is a condition where there are little holes in the air sacs in the lungs. It is usually caused by excessive smoking.

What carbon monoxide tar nicotine emphysema and brochitis?

Emphysema is caused by smoking cigarettes, where smoke particulates, tar, and nicotine leads to a lung problem. Whenever the lung is inflammed, it leads to bronchitis, emphysema specifically relates to a lung, especially the tubes that connect the aveola tracks are blocked, from inflammation, and reduced immunity and hence breathing passages are blocked. Normally a mucus can clear most of the smoke particulates, nicotine goes into the blood stream, which leaves open tar that accumulates in the lung passages. To cure emphysema in my opinion is to find a component of safe natural solvents which dissolves these tar as the mucus has no way of getting rid of it and it sticks like a glue. The cure that I know when I was a student I found accidentally that by dissolving the lung tissue of emphysema (black in color from smoking), most of it is dissolve slowly. Hence, using nebulizers of 50% DMSO, and taking supplements of MSM, a close DMSO cousin will reduce the tar buildup due to emphysema. If you would like more info just go to website www dot earthclinic dot com for more answers. Ted from Bangkok.

Is emphysema caused from a person's lifestyle?

NO, emphysema cannot be solely blamed on a person's lifestyle. Emphysema is caused by any of a number of lung irritants, which affect the alveoli and trigger the production of excess phlegm.

Is emphysema different from lung cancer?

Emphysema is a type of lung cancer that can be caused by the same things lung cancer is caused from with many complications.

How does emphysema reduce oxygen in blood?

the tar like substance prevents your lungs from taking in enough oxygen.

Why does a person with severe emphysema sometimes use a portable oxygen tank?

Because their lungs are full of tar and death.

What do lung cancer and emphysema have in common?

Both are caused by smoking.