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Emitted, and the precise amount of energy that is emitted will depend on what kind of atom, and moving from which excited state. That's how spectrographs can determine what element is present.

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Q: Is energy emitted or absorbed when an electron moves from an excited state to a ground state?
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When one electron moves from the 4th shell to the 2nd shell in hydrogen is energy absorbed or emitted by the atom?

The energy is absorbed by the electrons because work needs to be done on the electrons to raise them to an excited state. Energy is stored in the electrons while they are in their excited state and would emit energy if they returned to their ground state.

If an electron has absorbed energy and has shifted to a higher energy level the electron is said to be what?

This electron is called excited.

An electron that has absorbed energy?

excited state

What does the electron produce when they change energy levels?

a photon is emitted or absorbed

Is energy absorbed when an electron moves to a closer shell?

No. Energy is emitted when an electron moves to a closer shell (closer to the nucleus).

When an electron gets excited is energy released or absorbed?

To get excited, it must absorb energy. To get back to its ground state, it releases energy.

What causes photons to be emitted from excited atoms?

The energy difference, between two energy levels, is emitted as a photon, when the electron "falls down" to a lower energy level.

When excited electrons return to lower energy levels what is released?

Energy is emitted when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

How is visible light made?

Light is emitted when an electron drops from the orbit of an excited state, into its natural state. The quantum of light emitted is characteristic of the change in energy of the two electron states, and also of the actual element involved.

Does photoelectric effect take place below threshold frequency?

The threshold frequency for photoelectric emission is the smallest possible frequency a photon can have to be absorbed/emitted by an electron moving between energy levels in an atom. Explanation: Since electrons can't exist /between/ energy levels, and each electron would be moved a very specific amount by any given photon, only photons of certain frequencies can be properly absorbed/emitted, necessitating a minimum frequency.

When an electron falls back to its ground state how much energy is released?

It releases the same amount of energy that it absorbed when it was excited to a higher energy state.

When an electron drops from a higher energy state to a lower energy state?

A photon is emitted when an electron falls from a higher to lower orbital. A photon is an elementary particles, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation.