

Is football aerobic or non-aerobic

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is football aerobic or non-aerobic
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Is football aerobic or anaerobic?


What type of sports are Aerobic and Anaerobic?

Aerobic: Swimming, soccer, tennis, skiing, basketball, volleyball, and bicycling are examples of aerobic sports. Walking, jogging, and dancing. Anaerobic: Football, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey and Soccer

How is aerobic endurance used in Rounders?

american football

what athletes use aerobic respiration?

Football, Rugby And sports where you are always running, you are breathing heavily using oxgygen therefore it is aerobicSoccer is a aerobic sport because you are running continuosly, the only part of a soccer team who isn't is the goalkeeper. also, aerobic respiration is respiration using oxygen, so all sports that let you breath envolve aerobic respiration.

What is an aerobic outdoor sports?

football is one you use both anaerobic when your running with the ball towrard the goal and use aerobic to get the ball from the opponent and also you have to carry on playing for 90 mins

Why is the aerobic endurance important?

Aerobic energy system is used for long durations sports such as a Football And Marathon Running As The Aerobic energy System is used for long distance sport activities and can only be active when oxygen is there.

What sport is aerobic outdoor sport?

football is one you use both anaerobic when your running with the ball towrard the goal and use aerobic to get the ball from the opponent and also you have to carry on playing for 90 mins

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What are the components needed for football or netball?

As with most team sports, there are many components of fitness that are important for success in football (soccer). In football, aerobic fitness is one of the most important attributes, closely followed by anaerobic fitness (running speed and repeat sprint ability) and agility

Where in touch football does the energy system get used?

If you're talking about which position, it would be all of them. It's not really a good question. Touch Football efforts can be broken down into about 50% anaerobic 30% aerobic and a 20% combination of the two

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