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Frozen carbon dioxide is still carbon dioxide, so it is a physical change.

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Q: Is freezing carbon dioxide a chemical change or physical change?
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Is freezing carbon dioxide to make dry ice a chemical change?

No, it's a physical change.

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i think it is chemical but it may be physical.

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It is a change in physical state, which is a physical change.

Is carbon dioxide a physical or chemical property?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a chemical compound consisting of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms. It is a chemical property because it describes the composition and arrangement of atoms in a substance. However, in terms of physical properties, carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas at standard temperature and pressure.

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The chemical change is the burning wood because the products, carbon dioxide, water, ash, and soot, have different physical and chemical properties. The other changes are physical changes because the physical and chemical properties of the substances did not change.

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It is a chemical reaction. The coal (which is mostly carbon) reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.

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CO2 is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.