

Is frictional force involved when blowing up a balloon?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Yes, there should be some friction. However, the main reason it costs you some effort is because the pressure inside the balloon is greater than the pressure outside.

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Q: Is frictional force involved when blowing up a balloon?
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Yes in physic, such as the frictional force and the horizontal force of the normal force as the centripetal force while turning at a cornering

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i am sure that it is not frictional force.....

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What is the action and reaction force during blowing a balloon?

Air fill the balloon and force it to expand but being a rubber base substance the balloon always in the state of pushing the air (that's why if you put a hole on a balloon it will "fly"). Air pushing is an action. Balloon pushing back is a reaction.

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What determines the size of frictional force?

The size of the normal force and coefficient of friction determines the size of frictional force.

What determines the size of a frictional force?

The size of the normal force and coefficient of friction determines the size of frictional force.

Does the frictional force depend on the area of surface contact?

No. Frictional force is independant of surface area.