

Is germ x better than soap?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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11y ago

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It all depends. In my personal opinion, they both taste bad.

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Q: Is germ x better than soap?
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Is green germ x better than blue germ x?

yes , green germ x is better than blue germ x

When was germ x invented?

Germ X is an antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer. Germ X was invented in 1997 by inventor Jon-Vi. The company also makes cosmetics and mouthwash.

Does antibacterial soap kill more bacteria then germ-x?

Yes, But it depends on the brand of soap that you are using. Yes, But it depends on the brand of soap that you are using.she/he is wrong because the soap doesnt really kill any germs or just makes your hand smell fresh and it also makes it wreankealy.can i ask you this question oes germ-x really kills 99.9 bacteria? AND YOU SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!

Who was the first person to use germ-x?

William germ-x was the 1st person to use germ-x and he used it on mars.

Is Germ-X compound or homogeneous mixture?

Germ-X is a homogeneous mixture.

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Is germ x more effective or soap and hot water to wash your hands?

washing hands because you spend more time under soap and water, therefore suspending more microbe bacteria on your hands.

How many germs can germ x get rid of?

99.99% of germs are eliminated by germ x

What is germ x composed of?


Does the alcohol in germ x expire?

does germ x ever expire? if used will it harm us?

What glue is restsant to germ x?

germ x is made up, it will say on whatever asked the question

Is germ-x toxic?

Germ-X is toxic to ingest or swallow, but not toxic to use as a hand sanitizer.