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Yes God is the one and only Messiah

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Q: Was messiah the deliverer sent by god?
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Who was the deliverer that god sent to judah?


what the christian belies on the messiah?

Christians believe that the Messiah was sent by God to save humanity.

In Egypt whom did god chose as a deliverer?

In Egypt god chose Moses as the deliverer.

What is the meaning of messiah?

The expected king and deliverer of the Hebrews; the Savior; Christ.

What is the Latin word for Christ?

Christus It means 'he who delivers', 'the deliverer', 'the messiah'

Who was the man sent by God to restore Israel and reign righteously?

It was the Messiah.

What is the term that means a deliverer sent by god?

The term you are looking for is "messenger" or "prophet." These individuals are believed to be sent by a higher power to deliver important messages or teachings to humanity.

Who was God's deliverer of the Jews?


The title for the person sent by God to rescue the Jewish people from suffering is?

Mashiac /Messiah

Did the Jews believe their deliverer would be a strong king?

Yes. Most Jews today continue to envision a future Messiah who will be a king as well. Judaism rejects the Christian notion that the Messiah is to be partly divine.

What type of messiah was Jesus?

The Jews were not looking for a Messiah, but any expected deliverer who would release them from their oppression. A strong leader of men, a conquering hero who would overcome their oppressors. Any expected deliverer. They certainly did not want a meek and lowly person such as Jeus.

What did Moses have to do with the Hebrews?

Moses was a Hebrew. He was said to be the deliverer and he was. He sent the Hebrew's out of Egypt!