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The issue is whether you want to die, not how it happens.

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Q: Is having someone kill you the same as suicide?
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No, suicide is when you kill yourself, genocide is when a certain ethnic group is killed. Homosexuality refers to a sexual orientation where you prefer to be with someone from the same sex, that is not related to suicide or genocide at all.

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Having the same effort or purpose. To consider as the same in relation.

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The same way anyone else would feel about someone trying to kill you.

Is kiLling onE's self a murder or suicide?

I'd imagine that to kill one's self would be suicide. Even if one were speaking philisophically, the death of one's conciousness or physical being by that same person would fit the definition of "suicide" and not "murder," which is to kill another living thing. Unless the person in question is somehow separate from their physical body or conciousness (and I don't see how that's possible), it would be suicide in any way.

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Defeat means you beat someone in a contest or game. Kill means to end a person's life.

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Could a horse actually kill themselves or not?

Not in the same sense that a human being would or could, no, which is committing suicide. But, they can get themselves into a heap of trouble which can get them killed if their human owners are not there to get them out of it quick.

Is going with someone the same as going out with someone?

No, it is not the same, because if u say i am going with someone it means u r going into town. And going out with someone means u r kissing ,huging and mabe having SEX!