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Heat is measured in unit of what...

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Q: Is heat energy measured in units of joules degrees Celsius and in degrees Fahrenheit?
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How is temperature is measured?

Temperature is usually measured with a thermometer which tells you how many degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit the temperature is (Fahrenheit is the American measure and Celsius is what everyone else uses)

How does it measure heat energy?

Heat energy is measured as temperature in Kelvins [K] (also degrees Celsius [°C] and degrees Fahrenheit [°F]) and tells us the average kinetic energy of the molecules.

Would thermal energy be greater at 0 degrees Celsius or 48 degrees Fahrenheit?

It would be greater at 48 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can heat be measured in degrees Fahrenheit?

No, Fahrenheit is the Imperial Unit for temperature, not heat. Heat is energy in transit and is measured in joules (in the SI sytem).

How can equal into Celsius into Fahrenheit?

Plotted against internal thermal energy density, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scalesof temperature are straight lines with different slopes and different intercepts.The lines intersect (Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures are equal) at -40 .(And don't ask me which one.)

What is minus 34 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

It is an impossible temperature in the Celsius scale. Absolute Zero is the lowest possible temperature, the theoretical point at which no energy is present in matter. No matter can be colder than absolute zero, which is -273.15 °C or the equivalent temperature of -459.67 °F.

What measurment is measured in kelvins or degrees celsius?

Kelvin is a measure of temperature or thermodynamic energy, and is an absolute measure. Degrees Celsius are a used to measure temperature on a scale with an arbitrary zero.

How do vinegar flies survive during winter?

They don't, without the heat necessary (absolute minimum at 4.444444444 degrees Celsius/ 40 degrees Fahrenheit but death can occur at anywhere below 10 degrees Celsius/ 50 degrees Fahrenheit) they slow down and eventually cannot fly, or expend energy on reproduction.

What is the celsius equivalent of 212 F?

212 degrees F (Fahrenheit) = 100 degrees C(Celsius)

What is water doing at 212 degrees celsius?

Its molecules are gaining enough energy to break from a liquid into a gas. This is at 212 degrees Fahrenheit though. For Celsius its 100 degrees. At 212 degrees celsius it is molecules in a gaseous form and it fly in a random, 360 degrees flight path and keep going until it hits a surface and ricochets or it loses its energy and then turns back into a liquid state.

What is the metric system of measurement based on temperature and heat?

Temperature is measured in kelvin, although degrees Celsius are commonly used. Heat is a form of energy, and is measured in joules.

What is the temperature at which molecular energy is at a minimum?

That would be at absolute zero, where all molecular motion cease. The temperature is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.