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In Fahrenheit, higher numbers represent hotter temperatures.

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Q: Is higher number in Fahrenheit colder than the lower number?
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Which is colder 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 17 Fahrenheit?

The lower number is always colder.

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Which is lower 0 celsius or 0 Fahrenheit?

0 Celsius is colder than 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 36 degrees Fahrenheit colder than 46 degress Fahrenheit?

Yes, of course. 36 is a lower number than 46. 32 degrees (F) would be freezing.

Is 37 Fahrenheit colder than 39 Fahrenheit?

Yes. It is a lower temperature, by 2 whole degrees Fahrenheit.

When you get higher in the atmosphere does the air get warmer or colder?

colder, the farther up you go, the lower the tempurature

Does a lower Celsius number mean colder?

Yes, it does. A lower number means a lower temperature.

Why is it colder in highlands than lowlands?

It is colder in the highlands than the lowlands because the higher the elevation, the colder it becomes, and the lower the elevation, the hotter.

Is lower than 32 degrees Fahrenheit considered below 0?

No. The reference to "below zero" when using the Fahrenheit scale is literally "below 0°F", which is considerably colder than "below freezing" which is lower than 32° Fahrenheit.

What is the difference between 520 oil and 530 oil?

When there are differences in numbers in motor oil, there is a difference in viscosity. A lower number has lower viscosity and is good for warmer climates. A higher number is good for colder climates.

Why does it get colder the higher you go to the mountain?

It gets colder the higher you climb a mountain because of the lower air pressure.

Why does Northern Michigan get more snow than lower Michigan?

The higher you go the colder it is.