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Homosexuality is accepted in some societies, and rejected in some societies.

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Q: Is homosexuality accepted in your society?
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Was homosexuality accepted in the early native American lifestyle?

It depends on which tribe you are referring to. Some accepted homosexuality and some didn't.

What era of time homosexuality not accepted?

In all eras of time, there have been places where homosexuality has not been accepted, including the modern era.

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What are 2 current morality issues in your society?

Homosexuality and Greed.

Is homosexuality accepted in society?

It depends on which society you're talking about. Views range from complete acceptance to complete rejection.It depends on which society you're talking about. Views range from complete acceptance to complete rejection.

List those acts that are deviant but legal and illegal?

"Deviant" is any act of a person that is different from the accepted norms of a society. What is deviant, depends on the customs of a given society: think for instance of homosexuality, accepted in one society and forced underground in another society. The same goes for the question of what is legal and what is not: laws are different in each country and in the US, in each State . You do not mention what country you are talking about and your teacher probably gave you a list that you did not include. So you will have to figure this out for yourself.

Is teenage lesbian good or bad?

The current research shows that homosexuality is something a person with, so it's really pointless to go on about it being good or bad. It's what you are, so you have to deal with it. You might say it's bad(for the person), because homosexuality still isn't widely accepted in society. You may be teased or treated differently.

How do you escape the homosexuality?

No, and it isn't something you're really trapped in either. "Sexual orientation is not a choice and can NOT be changed." That's from the American Psychiatric Association, as well as a widely accepted ideal in the medical society. In short, you can't. Just accept it.

Why is homosexuality a form of modernization?

i wouldn't call it modernization because the ancient Romans accepted homosexuality. i think people are just making a big deal about it, thus making it more noticable

How does society view homosexuality?

It depends entirely on which society you're talking about. Views vary from complete acceptance to complete rejection.

Is Homosexuality accepted in Spain?

Yes, Spain was one of the first countries in the world to pass same-sex marriage.

How does homosexuality benefit everyone?

Happy people are more productive members of society. If gay people are allowed to live as they please, this benefits society as a whole.