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Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is roughly ten times more potent than morphine sulfate. The Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) worked MUCH better for me for pain than morphine did but the "narcotic effect" with dilaudid is very intense so be careful doing stuff like driving until you know how it affects you if you get that prescribed to you.

Knowledge based on: 10 years of pain medications...a lot of different ones!

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Q: Is hydromorphone stronger than morphine sulfate for pain relief?
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Is morphine sulfate like Oxycontin?

Oxycontin is a synthetic manufactured MS. I have taken both for a condition I have. I will say I stay in reality much more with the MS. The oxy changed my personality, I am told not to the best. I think the pain relief is about the same. Tolerance is always a problem. The best thing is to STOP, I truly believe now that I have my pain is no worse. Now if you are taking them for other reasons than pain, then well....

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What is the use of morphine for cancer?

Morphine is a pain-relief drug. It does not treat cancer, it merely eases the pain that cancer may cause.

Is it possible that morphine sulfate will not relieve pain for some people?

Yes. Depending on the tolerance of the patient to the effect of morphine, a normal IV dose of 5 mg (or an oral dose of 15 mg) may not relieve the pain. Tolerant people (who have been taking morphine for a long time, and who therefore have become somewhat "immune" to the effects) can require many times the normal, starting dose of morphine for pain relief. Given an adequate dose, however, there is no intrinsic limit to the pain relieving properties of morphine. This is one of the key advantages of this drug, and it is a reason it is still the gold standard for analgesics 160 years after its discovery.

What stronger OxyContin or oxycodone?

Oxycontin and Oxycodone are the same thing. Oxycontin is made from Oxycodone. Oxycontin is time released so it continuously release the medicine and oxycodone is not time released. It depends on how much of each you take. Say if you take a 40 MG Oxycontin pill and and 4 Oxycodone 10/325, you feel the effects of the 4 oxycodone pills because the Oxycontin time released but they are the same thing. Whichever one you take more MG of will be stronger.

Can it be one who has never had a morphine before still experiences no pain relief after a morphine injection?

It could be that your body does not allow morphine to inhibit the neurotransmitters (impulses in the brain) responsible for pain. Your doctor may need to place you on something different. It could also be that the strength of the morphine was insufficient to alleviate the pain.

How do you come down from morphine and meth together?

To come down from morphine and meth, used together, a person will need to drink plenty of water, and sleep. They can also go to the hospital to get relief from these drugs.

What are the side effects for Hydromorphone for dog?

Hydromorphone is typically only used in the veterinary clinic due to both its controlled substance status as well as the need to administer it via injection. Side effects can include lowered heart rate and respiratory rate (which may be confounded by the decreased rate due to relief of pain), drooling, panting, whining, lethargy and torpor. Some breeds, such as Greyhounds, tend to be very sensitive to the side effects of hydromorphone, so it is not recommended for use in those breeds.

What is the name of medication for 24 hour pain relief epidural for c sections?

The medication is called "Duramorph"-- it is a long-acting morphine.

Will Motrin help the pain of Appendicitis?

No. Pain relief medicines will not give much relief from the pain of appendicitis. Only narcotic analgesics like morphine can give you pain relief from pain of appendicitis. They should not be used in acute abdomen, unless you obtain written consent for operation.

Immediate effects after taking morphine?

Morphine will provide relief from pain and gives the patient a sense of wellbeing. Opiates in general slow down breathing, heart rate and brain activity and as a result the body's tolerance to pain is increased. Morphine also suppresses the cough reflex which is why it is used to treat severe coughs. Morphine does have side-effects, two of the most common are constipation and nausea and with higher doses of morphine, additional drugs to relieve or prevent these symptoms may be needed.

How long after starting on a morphine syringe driver do you think one has to live?

If the patient is suffering from terminal cancer the time left can be anything from days to to a week. There have been some rare occasions when patients have survived for a couple of weeks or more. The main point to remember is that the administering of morphine is for pain relief and the objective of the nursing staff will be to keep the patient comfortable and pain free. Morphine syringe drivers are usually used because it is difficult to administer pain relief in other ways such as orally. The driver will give regular and equal amounts of morphine shots which should ensure that the patient feels no pain.